
From the creamsicle sunsets on St George Island to camping along the river in the mountains of Colorado to hiking the red rocks of Moab… my work is innately born from my travels and experiences in new & natural places. Carrying along my sketchbook and sharpies, I travel with my family in our vintage airstream across the country visiting amazing places.  My goal is to capture the essence in quick gestural sketches.  These sketches are the foundation of new canvas paintings.  I capture the essences and emotions of these glorious places through using vibrant colors that speak to my senses.  The colors are imprinted on my heart and soul.  Combining these with the natural earthy grounding colors.


Creating art is spiritual and therapeutic as I draw on my experiences, memories and feelings made in these glorious locations.  These pieces are created by layering vibrant acrylic paint colors in energetic marks with various brushes and strokes.  And then slowly layering over deep earthy colors and defining composition.  I keep a balance between gestural emotional strokes and earthy details.  The push and pull between these forces of nature is what excites me about painting.

When creating, I feel grounded and connected to God, myself, and nature

I have always had the pull that I am here to create with my hands. But it took quite some time to remember that my original childhood dream was to paint… to be an artist. I have grown up with creativity at my fingertips. My mother was a painter and sent me to art classes.

My art journey is about staying present in the moment and experimenting how to physically express bold unapologetic freedom & joy. I explore these feelings in my art through the use of vibrant colors, bold splatters, energetic marks & composition. My goal is to inspire others to face their fears and live out their dreams.


Kristi was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado but now resides in Tallahassee, Fl. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design from Colorado State University. She worked in the commercial design field for 20 years focusing on space planning.

She paints intuitively and through the use of energetic marks and earthy colors she expresses her feelings of bravery, joy & bold optimism.

You will see reflections of her previous design career in her paintings.